Do You Have A Right Relationship With God?

Heavenly Father, we praise your Holy name for calling us to a unique and right relationship with you, through your Son, Jesus Christ. For we find that the closer we come to knowing you, the more we know of your love for us and the more we love you.  Not for what you provide, but for who you are.  We do thank you and appreciate all that you have given us, physically, mentally but most importantly, spiritually.  For when our spirit is connected to yours, we are made whole and complete.  We are truly able to live abundantly as Christ declared and our lives are filled with riches that are beyond those that the world offers.  Yes, riches that are the fruit of your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. For without these, we are poor, no matter how much wealth we obtain in this world.  We honor and bless your name today and everyday Father.  We love you and appreciate you for everything in our lives. For you know exactly what we need and when we need it. We pray and thank you in Jesus name, Amen.

“I desire for you to have an intimate relationship with me through my Son. For it is better than all the riches of the world.” – God

Luke 12:21 NLT  “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.”

I know this is not a new theme or concept. We have all read or heard this preached before.  Greater is knowing God and having a relationship with Him, than having all that we desire in and of this world.  Yet, we or maybe just I, can’t seem to help my mind from wandering in thinking about all of the material things and money and fame, that is constantly bombarding my senses on a daily basis.

The great thing that I have come to know is, God, in His Omnipotence, realized how much of a struggle this would be for His Children, that He even took the responsibility of us entering into a right relationship with Him, away from us and placed this responsibility on His Son, Jesus.

Romans 5:18 NLT 18 Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone.

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Yes, we still have to acknowledge our sins, repent of them, and receive the gift of salvation, but the truly hard work was done by Christ.  He established the method or vehicle for us to enter into a new and full relationship with God.  And the great thing about all of this?  God desired it from the beginning.

Romans 4:13 NLT 13 Clearly, God’s promise to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants was based not on his obedience to God’s law, but on a right relationship with God that comes by faith.

A right relationship with God, born of faith, is more valuable than anything we can accumulate, buy, bargain or obtain on our own. It is this faith in Christ, that pleases God and makes available all of Him to us.

Instead of working so much on service and sacrifice, try getting to know God in a more intimate way through His Son Jesus.  Institute faith in God in your daily lives.  Stop looking for answers and help from the world. It can only provide false and or temporary solutions that more than often hinders a closer relationship with Christ.

Relationships can be good, fruitful and beneficial.  But there is nothing greater than an intimate relationship with God Almighty.

Is a relationship with God your number 1 priority?  I pray if not, that today you will begin to make it so.

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