Closeness to God

As we navigate our Christian doctrines and teachings, our classes and readings, our relationships and sermons we frequently hear the challenge, “draw near to God.” We’re told that we need to do certain things to get closer to the Father.  Read the Bible.  Spend time in prayer.  Fellowship with believers.  All these things are referenced as steps to be taken to get closer to a faraway figure, somewhere in the clouds.  Actions to bridge the gap between a holy God and sinful man.  We can feel the truth of the message, but for most of us to closeness to God is, at best, fleeting.  And at worst, never experienced.

Why is this, like so many other things we’re called to do as Christians, such a struggle?  Shouldn’t this easier?  Perhaps the difficulty comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation, and thus the means to address it eludes us.

As Christians we assert that God is omnipresent.  Simply stated, God is everywhere, all the time.  So how can we not be close to Him?  It seems the issue of “closeness” is more a problem of understanding than of physics.

Paul tells us that nothing can separate a Christian from the love of God (RM 8).  And since we also read that God is love (1 JN 4), we can conclude that nothing can separate us from Him.  So why don’t we feel the closeness we so ardently yearn for?  In essence…, distraction!
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Our lives are so full of distraction we can’t focus long enough on God to experience the benefits of relationship.  Think about it.  The times when we truly feel close to our Lord are when we have no other option but to keep our minds on Him.  Sadly, these times are typically during the most painful episodes in our life.  At the death of a loved one.  When those close to us fall into darkness.  When we experience extreme physical distress.  Basically, we’re close to God when we experience the terrible truth that we are not in control.  We realize, in our heart-of-hearts, that we have no other option but to, “let go and let God.”  In our desperation to spiritually, mentally and physically survive such trials we push aside the daily trivialities and cling to Author and Finisher of our faith.

So, the real challenge is how do we keep the same hold on God in our daily lives as we do during times of crisis?  The truth is, only you know the answer.  Only you know the things that constantly draw your attention and energy from the things of God.  Only you understand the choices that keep you from embracing His love.  And only you can direct your will to put God into your heart and mind on a moment by moment basis.

If you need inspiration, or insights ask the people that are living in true peace.  They’re the ones demonstrating nearness to God.  Ask the child in the cancer ward at the hospital with a genuine smile on their face.  Talk the old man wheeling the halls of the retirement home, but still has a spring in his step.  Ask the daughter caring for her mother with Alzheimer’s for years on end, and still shows kindness at every turn.  They  know the truth.  Closeness to God is not a matter of distance.  It’s a matter of choice.